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6 Best Things To Know About Leh Ladakh Trip!

Leh Ladakh Trip is one of the dream trips for individuals around the world specifically bikers.

Considered to be the absolute heaven for bikers, the Leh Ladakh trip is filled with picturesque views of the mountains and difficult terrains.

Once the travellers reach their final destination, the view is unforgettably breathtaking and a sense of achievement washes over the travellers to have accomplished the completion of such a difficult journey!

This blog will cover the various aspects of going on a Leh Ladakh Trip that will help you to plan for the same.


Leh Ladakh Trip

Leh Ladakh is considered to be a dreamland of breathtaking landscapes, ancient monasteries and rugged mountains.

The place is ideal for both nature lovers as well as adventure seekers as the place is situated in the northernmost part of India.

Every individual is extremely excited and exhilarated by the mere thought of having a Leh Ladakh Trip as it is most often on the bucket list of each individual.


How Many Days For Ladakh Trip?

Ideally, a Leh Ladakh Trip must not be less than 10 to 14 days. The period of 10-14 days can be bifurcated into days for acclimatization and exploration of the landscape as well as the rich culture.



To get accustomed to the high altitude, you must take the first two days to acclimatize yourself.

By acclimatizing to the high altitude of Leh Ladakh, you lower the risk of getting altitude sickness.

This further ensures that you have a comfortable and enjoyable journey during all of the remaining days of your trip.



The rest of the days of your trip you can utilize to explore the rich culture as well as attractions of Leh Ladakh.

These attractions include the Pangong Lake, Magnetic Hill and Nubra Valley as well as the many monasteries present in the area like Thiksey and Hemis.


Things To Do In Leh Ladakh

There are a lot of attractions that can be visited in Leh Ladakh to have a memorable trip and some of them include the following –


Pangong Lake

The Pangong Lake is a mesmerizing body of blue waters that are set against the beautiful backdrop of snowy and towering mountains.

The Pangong Lake becomes a must-visit spot for tourists as the lake changes its colours throughout the day depending upon the weather and colour of the sky.


Nubra Valley

Nubra Valley is famous for its double-humped camels as well as sand dunes.

While exploring the magnificent Nubra Valley, one must not miss to visit the beautiful Diskit Monastery.


Magnetic Hill

While you travel through the Magnetic Hill, your vehicle travels at such a speed that it starts to defy gravity itself.

An element of mystery is added to you Leh Ladakh trip owing to the magnificence of the optical illusion provided by the Magnetic Hill.



You can experience a high level of peace and spiritual awakening and calling if you visit the beautiful and mesmerizing monasteries in Leh Ladakh like Thiksey and Hemis.


How To Reach Ladakh?

There are two ways through which one can reach Ladakh which are as follows –


By Air

Considered to be the easiest way, tourists can reach Ladakh through air travel.

There is an airport situated in Leh itself known as the Kushok Bakula Rimpochee Airport which is extremely well-connected to major cities of the country like Srinagar, Mumbai and Delhi.


By Road

For people who are adventure seekers, the road trip to Leh Ladakh is a major bucket list item.

If you are travelling by road, you can either take up the Manali-Leh Highway or the Srinagar-Leh Highway to experience the breathtaking scenic beauty of North India.

It is to be noted that the highway routes or travel to Leh via road are only open and accessible during the summer months and not the winter months due to heavy snowfall.


Highest Motorable Road

The highest motorable road in Leh Ladakh is also the world’s highest motorable road and is known by the name Khardung La Pass.

As the Khardung La Pass is situated at an elevation of 18,380 feet, it offers awe-inspiring scenic panoramic views to all tourists.


Permits Required For Leh Ladakh Trip

There are two types of permits required for Leh Ladakh Trip which are as follows –


Inner Line Permit

Tourists need to take the inner line permit when visiting Leh Ladakh which is meant to provide access to restricted areas to non-residents.

This permit can either be applied and taken from Leh itself or you can also get it online.


Environmental Fee

To protect the fragile ecosystem of Leh Ladakh, tourists have to pay environmental fees at various checkpoints that are used to preserve the ecosystem and beauty of Leh Ladakh.



Leh Ladakh Trip is considered to be the journey of a lifetime for individuals.

It is important to note that though it would be the most memorable journey of your life, you need to be cautious and prepared for the weather conditions, clothing and essentials required as well as accommodation before embarking on this beautiful journey!

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